You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can Start Where You Are and change the ending – C. S. Lewis
Encouraging Individuals, Couples, Teams, and Churches towards Hope-filled next steps
Our vision is to help individual followers of Jesus and ministry leaders experience God’s grace, truth, wisdom, and hope in safe relational contexts and conversations so that they come to know God better and experience increased freedom, vision, courage and empowerment toward running well and finishing strong the race God has marked out for them.
We believe that, through the power of God, it is possible, when we get off track, to get back on track, and also to help others who might have gotten off track to get back in their race. Our desire is to help leaders be able to say at the end of their race, like Paul did, I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day… (see 2 Timothy 3:14 –4:8). Our vision is to offer/facilitate:
- Walking With God Mentoring – facilitating interactive peer training groups designed to help followers of Jesus learn how to make Walking with God a normal, regular part of our lives–where we are self-feeding/training ourselves to be godly (see 2 Timothy 4:7-8). An important component of the training is learning about and sampling spiritual practices that followers of Jesus have used through the centuries to tune in to God and keep in step with the Spirit.
- Next Step Consultations – Life periodically surprises us with conflict or crisis. When this happens an objective, outside perspective and practical best next step wisdom can be very helpful. So, if you or your team or organization finds yourself stuck, or experiencing polarized positions, unloving attitudes or hurt feelings know that we are available for Conflict Mediation/Crisis Guidance.
- Safe Place Oasis Getaways – We invite to our home in Frankenmuth leaders/couples who might benefit from 1-2 days at a safe place away oasis. These away oasis times can be a great help towards healing and processing best next step responses and decisions. We are also gathering contact info about other places around the country and world that provide safe place away oasis help to Christian leaders who need it.
- Peer Encouragement Retreats – we are available to help or facilitate pastors/ministry leaders getting away together to experience 2-3-day retreats with peers that encourage them to stay in the race, run strong, and finish well. Nathan has done 43 of these since 1993 and considers them valuable beyond measure.